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Bit Manipulation Course Overview

Gopi Gorantala
Gopi Gorantala
2 min read

Table of Contents


In this course, you will learn how to solve problems using bit manipulation, a powerful technique that can be used to optimize your algorithmic and problem-solving skills.

This is one of the most important/critical topics when someone starts preparing for coding interviews for FAANG companies.

To kick things off, you’ll start by learning about the number system and how it’s represented. Then you’ll learn about the six bitwise operators: AND, OR, NOT, XOR, and bit shifting. Throughout, you will get tons of hands-on experience working through practice problems to help sharpen your understanding. By completing this course, you can solve problems faster and more efficiently.

What do you get?

  • 45 lessons were categorized based on topics.
  • 28 challenges.
  • 30+ Illustrations and sketches
  • 271 solutions provided.
  • Solutions are written in Java, Python, JavaScript, C++, and TypeScript.
  • GitHub repository access - Java, JavaScript

Takeaway skills

  1. Master problem-solving that involves bit manipulation.
  2. Mastering bit manipulation allows you to organize all inputs in binary representation at the memory levels.
  3. Master how the bit-level operations are computed. Understand that bit-level operations are based on all the arithmetic operations built into all languages.
  4. Solve problems that are commonly asked in coding interviews related to bit manipulation.
  5. These bit tricks could help in competitive programming in running algorithms, mostly in O(1) time.

Estimated time

13hrs to finish.


  1. Getting started: Introductory learning topics about bit-manipulation. Start here to learn the basics.

  2. Number Systems, Bitwise, and Binary: Next, you need to understand the number systems in mathematics, like binary, decimal, octal, and hexadecimal. You will be introduced to number representations and mathematical conversions.

  3. Bitwise AND: The Bitwise AND operator is denoted by &. When an AND gate is given with 2 inputs, the corresponding outputs will be: If two input bits are 1, then the output is 1. In all other cases, it is 0.

  4. Bitwise OR: The Bitwise OR operator is denoted by |. When an OR gate is given with 2 inputs, the corresponding outputs will be: If two input bits are 0, then the output is 0. In all other cases, it is 1.

  5. Bitwise NOT: The Bitwise NOT operator evaluates the binary representation of the value of a single input. If the bit contains 1, the output will be 0 for that bit location. If the bit contains 0, the output will be 1.

  6. Bitwise XOR: The Bitwise XOR operator is denoted by ^. When an XOR gate is given with 2 inputs, the corresponding outputs will be: If two input bits are different, the output is 1. In all other cases, it is 0.

  7. Bit Shifting - Left, Right: A bit shift is a Bitwise operation where the order of a series of bits is moved, either to the left or right, to perform a mathematical operation efficiently.

  8. Bitwise Left Shift Problems: Problems on left shift.

  9. Bitwise Right Shift Problems: Problems on the right shift.

Bit Manipulation

Gopi Gorantala Twitter

Gopi is a software engineer with over 14 years of experience. He specializes in Java-based technology stack and has worked for various startups, the European government, and technology giants.


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