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Introduce Yourself To Java Functional Programming

Gopi Gorantala
Gopi Gorantala
1 min read

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Functional programming(a programming paradigm) was introduced in Java SE 8 and recently gained popularity. The number of lines written by developers in the last few years using functional programming(for open-source projects) did hustle around Java developers.

Why developers love functional programming?

Java functional programming emphasizes using functions as the primary building blocks of programs.

  • Lambdas are anonymous functions that provide a way to write more functional-style code by enabling you to pass behavior as arguments to methods or assign behavior to variables.
  • Streams provide a powerful way to process collections of data in a functional programming style. They allow you to perform operations like filtering, mapping, and reducing data elements. Streams promote immutability and lazy evaluation, making writing concise and efficient code easier.
  • No wonder developers fell in love with functional programming with fewer lines of code.
  • The Java community encourages more and more developers to embrace this programming style.
  • This course teaches you how to write functional programming code with lambda expressions, Streams API, etc.
  • Detailed knowledge of this topic will help you write clean, single-line Java code snippets for most business use cases.
  • Functional programming provides high performance in processing extensive data for applications.

This course benefits all Java developers who want to get strong with modern Java SE 8/11/17 LTS version features. Wait, there’s much more we will discuss in this course.

By embracing Java functional programming, you will enhance your programming skills and gain a new perspective on problem-solving. You will be able to write code that is more concise, readable, and modular. Functional programming enables you to write easier code to reason about and test.

It also equips you with skills in high demand in the software industry, as functional programming is becoming increasingly popular due to its benefits in terms of code quality, scalability, and parallelism.


Java functional programming is a powerful paradigm that allows you to write code declaratively and expressively. You can write more modular, efficient, and maintainable code by leveraging features such as Lambdas, the Streams API, and method references. Embracing functional programming in Java will enhance your programming skills and open up new opportunities for you as a developer in the rapidly evolving world of software development.

Java Streams APIJava

Gopi Gorantala Twitter

Gopi is an engineering leader with 12+ of experience in full-stack development—a specialist in Java technology stack. He worked for multiple startups, the European govt, and FAANG in India and Europe.


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