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How to reverse the letters in a string in Java

In this article, we'll learn various ways to reverse strings in Java. An algorithmic approach with a flow chart and steps. Using java API methods to solve this problem and rotate kth elements or characters in an array.

Gopi Gorantala
Gopi Gorantala
5 min read
Reverse String
Reverse String

Table of Contents


In Java, a string represents a sequence of characters like "Hello world." Strings are constants. Their values can't be changed once created.

In this Answer, we’ll use a method that takes an array of characters and reverses the letters. We’ll discuss how to reverse characters in a string without additional space. The question of how to reverse a string is one of the fundamental questions asked in the coding interviews.

Popular companies such as Facebook, Apple, Amazon, and Adobe ask this question in their interviews.

Why use an array of characters instead of a string?

We use an array to manipulate strings in a place. Since we’ll modify the input, we need a mutable type like an array rather than Java’s immutable strings.

Problem statement

Write a method that takes an array of characters and reverses the letters in place.


Example 1

Input: ["a", "p", "p", "l", "e"]

Output: ["e", "l", "p", "p", "a"]

Example 2

Input: ["O", "r", "a", "n", "g", "e", "s"]

Output: ["s", "e", "g", "n", "a", "r", "O"]

Example 3

// Special characters 
Input: ["$", "%", "#", "H", "e", "l", "l", "o",  , "S", "p", "e", "c", "i", "a", "l",  , "S", "t", "r","i", "n", "g", "#", "#"]

Output: ["#", "#", "g", "n", "i", "r", "t", "S",  ,"l", "a", "i", "c", "e", "p", "S",  , "o", "l", "l", "e", "H", "#", "%", "$"]
Note: The algorithm needs to run in O(1) space. When we say that we’ll reverse characters without extra space, we mean that we shouldn’t create any extra memory. Also, an in-place algorithm refers to modifying the original input.

Thought process

In general, an in-place algorithm will require swapping elements.

In this program, we swap the string's first and last characters. We repeat it until we reach the middle of the array. Let’s look at an illustration of this:

Reverse String Characters illustration
Reverse String Characters illustration


Reverse String Characters flowchart


In-place algorithm

We’ll consider two variables start and end that start from 0 and s.length() - 1.

For each iteration, we'll do the following:

  1. Swap the characters and update the start and end pointers.
  2. Break the loop when start and end pointers are equal.


public class ReverseString {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String first = "apple";
    String second = "Oranges";
    String specialInput = "$%#Hello Special String##";


  public static String reverseString(char[] charArray) {
    //base case
    if (charArray == null) return "";
    if (charArray.length == 1) return new String(charArray);

    int start = 0;
    int end = charArray.length - 1;

    while (start < end) {
      char ch = charArray[start];
      charArray[start] = charArray[end];
      charArray[end] = ch;

    return new String(charArray);


  1. For base cases, we’ll follow these steps to run our algorithm on the given input:
    1. Line 14: We’ll check if the given input is null. If it’s null then return an empty string "".
    2. Line 15: We’ll check if the given array length equals 1. If it’s 1 then return the exact same input.
  2. Lines 17 and 18: We’ll initialize two pointers start and end respectively, and point them to the start and end indices of the array.
  3. We’ll use the while loop to iterate over the array.
    1. On each iteration, we swap the elements present on the indices start and end.
    2. We increment the start and end pointers.
    3. We run the loop until start and end indices cross each other, and while loop breaks.
    4. Line 28: We’ll return the resultant input.

Complexity analysis

  • Time Complexity: UseO(N)to swap N/2 elements, where N is the length of the input string.
  • Space Complexity: Use O(1); it's a constant space solution.

Java reverse()

We can re-use the existing java methods to reverse a string quickly, but it is wise to know how to solve a problem using algorithmic skills. This will help you drill down some of the more complex issues.

Let's see how Java reverses a string.


public class ReverseString {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String first = "apple";
    String second = "Oranges";


  static String reverseString(String s) {
    return new StringBuilder(s).reverse().toString();


  1. We used StringBuilder to wrap the input, which converts the input string to an array of characters.
  2. We’ll use the .reverse() function to reverse the string builder array of elements.
  3. We used the toString() function to convert the StringBuilder instance  String And we return it.


Let’s modify the algorithm to understand how we’ll use the character swaps and thought processes.


Example 1

Input: ["a", "p", "p", "l", "e"], K = 2

Output: "paple"

Example 2

Input: ["O", "r", "a", "n", "g", "e", "s"], K = 3

Output: "arOnges"


We need to consider two variables start and end which starts from 0 and (k-1).
For each iteration, we’ll do the following:

  1. If K value is greater than the length of the array. Then we do a modulo operation to get the correct number of characters we need to reverse. This will be done by modulo operation - K = K % charArray.length.
  2. Swap the characters and update the start and end pointers.
  3. Break the loop when start and end pointers are equal.


public class ReverseKCharacters {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    String first = "apple";
    String second = "Oranges";

    System.out.println(reverseString(first.toCharArray(), 7));
    System.out.println(reverseString(second.toCharArray(), 3));

  public static String reverseString(char[] charArray, int K) {
    if (charArray == null) return "";
    if (charArray.length == 1) return new String(charArray);

    K = K % charArray.length;
    int start = 0;
    int end = K - 1;

    while (start < end) {
      char ch = charArray[start];
      charArray[start] = charArray[end];
      charArray[end] = ch;

    return new String(charArray);


  1. For base cases, we’ll follow these steps to run our algorithm on the given input:
    1. Line 11: We’ll check if the given input is null. If it’s null then return an empty string "".
    2. Line 15: We’ll check if the given array length equals 1. If it’s 1 then return the exact same input.
  2. If K value is greater than the array length, we do a modulo operation to get the exact number of letters we need to reverse by K = K % charArray.length.
  3. Lines 15 and 16: We’ll initialize two pointers start and end respectively, and point them to the start and end indices of the array.
  4. We’ll use the while loop to iterate over the array.
    1. On each iteration, we swap the elements present on the indices start and end.
    2. We increment the start and end pointers.
    3. We run the loop until start and end indices cross each other, and while loop breaks.
    4. Line 26: We’ll return the resultant input.

Complexity analysis

  • Time Complexity: O(K)to swap K elements, where K is the number of characters we need to reverse.
  • Space Complexity: O(1) is a constant space solution.


If you want to solve this problem using problem-solving skills, we have covered it here.

Like I say all the time, problem-solving is a mind-sport or e-sport. Don't expect super quick wins. It takes time to learn and master the skills to break down a problem into smaller pieces and solve them individually.

I hope this article helped you! Thank you for reading.

Coding Interview QuestionsArraysData Structures and Algorithms

Gopi Gorantala Twitter

Gopi is an engineering leader with 12+ of experience in full-stack development—a specialist in Java technology stack. He worked for multiple startups, the European govt, and FAANG in India and Europe.


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