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Getting Started With Streams API

Why are we even using Java Streams API? Isn't Java collections doing the job before Java SE8? You will learn about the importance of functional programming using streams API.

Gopi Gorantala
Gopi Gorantala
1 min read

Table of Contents

Benefits of Streams API

Java Streams provide several benefits to developers, making it a popular and useful feature in the language.

Here are some reasons why you might want to use Streams in your Java code:

  1. Concise and expressive.
  2. Readability and maintainability.
  3. Parallel processing.
  4. Reduced errors.
  5. Better performance.

Streams allow developers to write concise and expressive code for processing collections of data. The fluent API of Streams makes it easy to chain together operations and create a pipeline of operations to transform and process the data.

Streams are designed to leverage multi-core processors, making it easy to write code that runs in parallel. Using the parallel() method on a stream, you can easily parallelize operations that can be performed concurrently, leading to significant performance improvements.

Streams reduce the likelihood of errors in code by enforcing immutability and avoiding side effects. Because Streams are immutable, you cannot accidentally modify the state of the data source or any other shared data.

Streams can help improve performance by reducing the memory and CPU resources required to process large data collections. The lazy evaluation of Streams allows developers to apply operations to only the elements of the stream that are necessary rather than processing all the elements simultaneously.

Overall, Java Streams is a powerful tool that can help developers write more efficient, maintainable, and readable code for processing collections of data.

Differences between Streams and Collections

Java Streams and Collections are useful for working with collections of data in Java, but they have different purposes and benefits. Here are some differences between Streams and Collections:

Differences b/w Streams API and Collections API
Differences b/w Streams API and Collections API


  1. If streams are not handled properly, they have a huge impact on performance.
  2. The learning curve is time taking, as there are many overloaded methods you need to learn, which is confusing. Not a disadvantage, though, but wanna keep it here as a downside.
Java Streams APIJava

Gopi Gorantala Twitter

Gopi is a software engineer with over 14 years of experience. He specializes in Java-based technology stack and has worked for various startups, the European government, and technology giants.


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