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Java Streams API

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Scope of Variables in Lambda Expressions

In this lesson, you will learn about the scope of variables inside lambda expressions.

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Lambda Expressions: Scope of Variables, Method, and Anonymous Functions

Ok! So we have seen what lambda expressions are. Let us see what we can access inside lambda expressions. Lambda expressions provide a concise way to represent functional interfaces. Functional interfaces are interfaces that have a single abstract method, and lambda expressions can be used as a shorthand notation to

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How To Write Lambda Expressions

This lesson introduces the basic lambda expression structure with tips to write efficient code.

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What Are Lambda Expressions?

This is an introductory lesson on lambda expressions. You will learn about the lambda operator, expression, syntaxes and more!

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Power Of Two (Exercise Problem)

This is an exercise problem for your practice. Try to come up with an approach and solve it by yourself. Good Luck!

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User-Defined Customer Interface (Exercise Problem)

This is an exercise problem for your practice. Try to come up with an approach and solve it by yourself. Good Luck!

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What Are UnaryOperator And BinaryOperator's?

Unary and Binary operators are the other two functional interfaces that most developers are interested in.

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Course Overview: Functional Programming in Java

This course deep-dives into each of the functional programming concepts that got introduced in the Java programming language.

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Introduce Yourself To Java Functional Programming

Functional programming(a programming paradigm) was introduced in Java SE 8 and recently gained popularity. The number of lines written by developers in the last few years using functional programming(for open-source projects) did hustle around Java developers. Why developers love functional programming? Java functional programming emphasizes using functions as

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BiFunction Interface

What is a BiFunction interface? The BiFunction interface is a functional interface defined in the java.util.function package in Java. It represents a function that accepts two arguments of different types and produces a result of another type. The BiFunction interface is similar to the Function interface, but it