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Data Structures and Algorithms

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Leetcode 238: Product Of Array Except Self

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Leetcode 217: Contains Duplicate

This lesson will teach you how to find the duplicate element using a hashing algorithm.

Leetcode 217: Contains Duplicate
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Leetcode 121: Best Time To Buy and Sell Stock

Leetcode 121: Best Time To Buy and Sell Stock
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Find Even Number Of Digits in an Array

This problem tests your knowledge of mathematics. Solving this problem helps you find the place values and how they are represented in the decimal number system.

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Array Strengths, Weaknesses, and Big-O Complexities

In this lesson, you will learn about array strengths and weaknesses along with the big-o complexities.

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Find Largest Value In an Array

In this lesson, you will learn how to approach the problem, and come up with different strategies to solve the problem.

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Leetcode 1: Two Sum Problem

This lesson on "Two Sum" coding problem is discussed thoroughly with illustrations and various approaches with running time complexities.

Leetcode#1: Two Sum Problem Illustration
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How To Print a 2D Array Elements?

This lesson teaches you how to iterate through a 2D array of integers. The same follows with other data types.

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Introduction To 2D Arrays

This article is an introductory lesson on 2D array ds with sketches, and memory diagrams with examples.

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Array Length vs. Capacity

Array capacity is how many items an array can hold, and array length is how many items an array currently has.